Something to Cry About… (or, Like Mother Like Daughter)

 I had just posted “What Are You Crying About?”


when I went browsing through (my daughter) Allie’s archives and stumbled upon this post …  

… How scary is it that we may be more alike than she would care to admit?

About tuesday2

My husband tells me I talk too much. I tell him that I have a lot to say. Here’s the solution… Welcome to my blog!
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2 Responses to Something to Cry About… (or, Like Mother Like Daughter)

  1. lisalb1 says:

    HI! WooHoo, someone not related to me read my blog. I’m just getting started, although I’ve written reams I’m just starting to post. It’s so exciting! I am also just learning the technical side. Basically, I write what I think, as your quote puts it so eloquently, without interruptions, but also without apologies. I’m looking forward to reading some of your posts. 🙂

Tell me what you think. Leave your thoughts here!